My articles on Latin America have been published in Newspapers and magazines of India, Latin America and USA and my Spanish articles in Argentine newspapers. Occasionally I write on other subjects.

My articles have appeared in the following Indian newspapers, news portals and magazines: Financial Express, The Week, Economic Times, The Hindu, Business Line, Times of India, The Wire and Business Standard.

The articles and Latin America Newsletters I have written for Gateway House from August 2013 to June 2014 are in the link:


In addition to media articles, I write blogs on Latin America which are and


Articles published by media


The Tamils: a portrait of a community - Book review in The Week, 27 Februay

Carnatic music flows into Cauvery river in Thyagaraja Aradhana at Thiruvaiyaru - The Week 16 January

From Sabha to Kuppam: TM Krishna pushes the boundary of Carnatic music - The Week 3 January


Uruguay, the small country, has a Big lesson for the democracies of Brazil and USA - The Week, 26 November

“The Cemetery of Untold Stories” - novel by Julia Alvarez - The Week 16 October

Adios …to Alberto Fujimori, a Latino- Japanese Caudillo - Financial Express 14 September

Argentine movie “Goyo” - The Week 9 July

United States is the obstacle for free and fair elections in Venezuela - The Week 6 July

Bitter fruit: The story of the American coup in Guatemala - The Week 2 July

Gangster Warlords: Drug Dollars, Killing Fields, and the New Politics of Latin America - book by Ioan Grillo - The Week, 20 June

Mexico elects a woman scientist and leftist as president - Financial Express, 5 June

India: un gran aliado comercial de América Latina - Reporte Asia, 1 June

India’s exports to Latin American countries are more than to neighboring countries and traditional trade partners - Financial Express 29 May

Smoke and Ashes: A Writer's Journey through Opium's Hidden Histories - book by Amitav Ghosh -The Week 25 April

“A history of Violence: Living and dying in Central America” – book by Oscar Martinez - Financial Express 7 April

Argentine writer Hernan Diaz’s book “ Trust” - The Week 11 March

Latin America’s economic and political outlook in 2024 - Financial Express 8 January


Venezuela is not going to war over Essequibo dispute with Guyana - Financial Express, 9 December

Ecuador elects a well-qualified and wealthy but millennial and moderate Daniel Noboa as President - The Week 18 October

Mexican choice for President between two admirable women; one a scientist and the other an engineer - The Week 2 September

Guatemala’s election result is a good sign of the health of democracy - The Week- 23 August

Colombian novel “Retrospective” review - 23 June The Week

Las exportaciones de India a América Latina aumentan un impresionante 19% en 2022-23 - 11 June

Chilean neoliberalism: Born in Chicago, buried in Santiago - 1 June The Week

“Muerte Cruzada” en la batalla Presidente-Congreso en Ecuador - 27 May Reporte Asia

El comercio de América Latina con la India alcanza un récord de 44.500 millones de dólares en 2021-22 - Reporte Asia 27 May

“Muerte Cruzada” in President vs Congress battle in Ecuador - The Week 24 May

“Optic Nerve”, an art novel by Argentine writer Maria Gainza - The Week 15 May

In 'Victory City', Rushdie takes the reader on an eventful journey - The Week 21 March

Amid political crisis, Peru faces pressure from other Latin American nations - The Week 6 March


India from Latin America: Peripherisation, State Building and Demand-led growth- book by Manuel Gonzalo - The Week 14 December

India desde América Latina: periferización, construcción del Estado y crecimiento- Reporte Asia 13 December

Peruvian Congress impeaches President Pedro Castillo - “The Week” 8 December

Lula’s win is a victory for Brazil’s democracy and good for India and Latin America - Times of India 1 November

Ecuador reestructura su deuda con China - Reporte Asia 29 September

Santa Evita, Argentine TV serial - The Week 12 September

Rejection of the proposed new Chilean constitution is disappointing - The Week 6 September

Venezuela’s GDP will grow by an incredible 10% in 2022 - The Week 30 August

Un magnate de la India se enfrenta a Uruguay - ReporteAsia 28 August

Understanding Indian business in Latin America - The Week 24 August

Second chance for Colombia under President Petro - The Week 15 August

Gold, Oil and Avocados: A recent history of Latin America in sixteen commodities - The Week 2 August

Colombia's presidential election confirms the resurgence of Pink Tide in Latin America - The Week 21 June

With a New Leftist President, Colombia Heralds Pink Tide in Latin America - The Wire 21 June

"Why The US Is Embracing Jair Bolsonaro Despite His Anti-Democracy Credentials" - The Wire 13 June

Why did the Americans invite Bolsonaro to the Summit of the Americas - The Week 13 June

El comercio de América Latina con la India alcanza un récord de US$ 44.5 billion - Reporte Asia 27 Maio

India’s exports to Latin America increase by an impressive 48% to a record 18.9 billion dollars in 2021-22 - Financial Express 24 May

Sanctions on Venezuela - a Gringo Game - The Week 20 May

Book on the Venezuelan crisis - The Week 24 April

India should intensify its engagement with Latin America, learning from China -20 April ReporteAsia…in Spanish

The female Liberator of the Liberator - The Week 19 April

Costa Rica elects a political outsider as President - The Week 6 April

Karunanidhi: A Life - Book Review - The Week 18 March

“Chilean Poet”, Book Review - The Week 6 March

Costa Rica elections - The Week, 9 February

Isabel Allende’s latest novel “ Violeta” - The Week, 2 February

Review of Colombian novel “ The night will be long” - The Week 26 January

Empowerment of women in Chile - The Week 22 January

Argentine-Swiss film “ Azor” - The Week, 6 January


New Generation Leftist who will be President of Chile - The Week, 20 December

Harsh Times - the latest novel of Mario Vargas Llosa - The Week, 6 December

The significance of return of the Left in the Honduras elections - The Week, 2 December

Light at the end of the tunnel for Venezuela - The Week 25 November

The Chilean elections - The Week, 23 November

El rol del FMI, US Treasury y Wall Street en las crisis financieras de Asia, LATAM y Rusia - Reporte Asia, 20 November

President Ortega’s reelection is a betrayal of democracy and socialism - The Week 9 November

Role of IMF, American Treasury and Wall Street in the financial crises of 1990s - The Week 5 November

America Latina sigue siendo un grande mercado para los exportaciones de la India - Reporte Asia, 30 October

Debt addiction of Argentina and the debt traffickers of Wall Street - The Week 28 October

Intense Chinese engagement with Latin America is instructive for India- The Week 21 October

Venezuelan currency Bolivar undergoes yet another 'surgery' for removal of zeroes - The Week 1 October

Shining Path’s dark chapter in Peruvian and Latin American history - The Week magazine 20 September

Latin America continues to be a big market for India - The Week magazine 4 July

El Salvador’s experiment with Bitcoin - The Week 10 June

Bolsonaro, Bible, Beef and Bullets - The Week 6 June

Allende will be smiling: Neoliberalism started in Chile and is being buried now - The Week 19 May

Frida Kahlo: pain and painting The Week 8 May

Loving Pablo, Hating Escobar - The Week 1 May

Success of El Sistema, the musical revolution of Venezuela - The Week 23 April

Democracy is the winner in Ecuador elections - The Week 14 April

The adventurous life of Pablo Neruda - The Week 7 April

Blood, Gun, Money - book by Ioan Grillo - The Week - 4 March

US and Europe have lost out to China, Russia and India in vaccine diplomacy in Latin America - 20 February

Hades, Argentina - novel review 7 February

Populistas of 21st century Latin America - 27 January

Ved Mehta: from a blind child to a celebrity writer - The Week 11 January


A Promised Land - Book of Obama -The Week 13 December

Thirukkural and ‘The India Way’ of Diplomacy - Business Line 15 November

Restoration of Indigenous pride in Bolivia - The Week, 28 October

El Salvador: the country in need of a Saviour - The Week 6 October

The Divine Boys - novel by Laura Restrepo - The Week 13 September

The toss of a lemon - novel by Padma Viswanathan - The Week 28 August

‘Simple’ RK Narayan and ‘colourful’ Garcia Marquez: A study in contrasts - The Week 18 August

“Sao Bernardo” review published in Portuguese translation in Brazil - Beco da India 7 August

abolition of army in Costa Rica - The Week 1 August

Sao Bernardo - Brazilian novel - The Week 1 August

Latin America: victim of supply-driven debt business and demand-driven drug business - The Week 25 July

India’s exports to Latin America - Financial Express 14 July

Corona wins the presidential Elections of Dominican Republic - Financial Express 9July

Born to die - Book by Colombian writer Alonso Salazar - The Week 7 July

The only thing we have to fear is fear itself, says FDR in the movie Warm Springs - The Week 28 June

In Search of Klingsor - Novel by Jorge Volpi - The Week 20 June

origins of the Latin American guerrilla movements - The Week 18 June

Transmission Towers export success to Latin America - Financial Express 16 June 2020

Tango War - The Week 13 June

Costa Rica adds the spirit of peace and pura vida to OECD with its membership- Financial Express 22 May

The complicated relationship of Tagore, Victoria Ocampo - The Week 18 May

Thinking of him - Argentine movie The Week magazine 16 May

Far right, far wrong - The Week magazine 14 may

Operation Gideon in Venezuela - The Wire 11 May 2020

Book on Bolivar by Marie Arana - The Week magazine 2 March

Isabel Allende's latest novel is a long paean in search of home - The Week magazine 23 Feb 2020

How Rio Carnival has become unholy for Brazil's Evangelical Christians - The Week magazine 17 February 2020


The rise and fall of Evo Morales, the first indigenous president of Bolivia Financial Express 14 November 2019

A Brazil, beyond Bolsonaro The Wire 9 November

Left’s return to power in Argentina, an indicator to Latin America’s future The Week 28 October

Can a Left Wave Sweep Latin America Again? The Wire 28 October 2019

Bolsonaro, the arsonist, is more dangerous than the Amazon fire - The Week 29 August

End of the golden era of iconic Brazilian global companies - The Week, 23 August

Chinese Socialism needs Indian medicines The Week 22 August

What Guatemala could teach India about dynastic politics - The Week 16 August

Review of the Brazilian documentary film “ The edge of democracy” - The Wire 19 July 2019

Latin America is important for India’s exports - The Wire 29 June 2019

Why a repeat of the 2002 coup is unlikely now in Venezuela - The Wire 11 April 2019

Brazil, the country of the future, is back to its past - The Kootneeti February 2019

Left in the lurch - The Week magazine 19 January 2019

Bible, Beef and Bullet - published by The Week magazine 12 January 2019

Review of the Mexican film Roma in the Week magazine 5 January 2019


India-Argentina economic partnership - published by Diplomatist magazine - November 2018

Tropical Trump- published by “ The Week” magazine, 17 November 2018

From Coolies to Patrons and Partners: The Chinese Paradigm Shift in Latin America - published by The Wire news portal on 16 October 2018

Mexico turns Left - published by The Week magazine 22 July 2018

My review of Isabel Allende's book 'In the Midst of Winter' - published by The Wire 19 Jan 2018


India's exports to Mexico - published by Chemexcil newsletter June-July 2017

Growing significance of trade with Latin America- Mercopress, Montevideo 22 July 2017

why it is important for India to trade with Latin America - The Wire 21 July 2017

Trump boosts Latin American interest in India- my article published in Chemexcil bulletin- April-May bulletin.


Brazilian Writers Union publishes my review of the book " Volver al oscuro valle" - 25 May 2017

Caught between peace and revenge in Colombia - The Wire 4 june 2017

India beats China in export of pharmaceuticals to Latin America 9 May 2017

Lenin's Ecuador victory lifts the Leftist spirit in Latin America - The Wire 5 April 2017

"India: long term bet for Latin America exports" - published in Chemexcil newsletter feb-march 2017

Let us do a trade tango with Mexico - Business Line 27 March 2017

Trump Triggers greater Latin American interest in India - The Wire 9 March 2017

From Brahma beer to Prem Baba - The Wire 14 January 2017.


Indian hero in Latin American film - The Wire 23 December 2016

Indian actor makes waves in Costa Rica - Business Standard 23 December 2016

Narcos: a serial deception of the US's war on drugs -6 November 2016

India: Long term bet for Latin America's exports - Latinvex 26 July 2016

Mexico is India's best customer in Latin America - The Wire 17 June 2016


Latin American contribution to India's energy security - Business Line 2 December 2015

Argentina's anti-incumbent verdict - Latinvex 2 December 2015

Argentina's anti-incumbent verdict - Mercopress 25 November 2015

Argentina's anti-incumbent verdict - The Wire 24 November 2015

Latin America: a billion dollar destination for Indian pharma exports - Financial Express, 20 November 2015

India and Latin America: closer than you think - Latinvex 14 Oct 2015

'Guatemala: coffee, cardamom and contrasts' -Latinvex 7 october 2015

The rise and fall of Petrobras - Latinvex 17 June 2015

 Peru Cola: Inspiration for India  - Latinvex 27 May 2015

Big Cola from Peru, an inspiration for Indian entrepreneurs- The Wire, 22 May 2015


Why Latin America took a stand - Asian Age 13 August 2014

Why Latin America took a stand - Deccan Chronicle 13 August 2014

India and Latin America: a new perception and a new partnership - published by Ellcano Royal Institute of Madrid July 2014

IBSA,as important if not more, than BRICS for India - published by Economic Times 15 July 2014.

"Brazil in comparison to the other major powers- A view from India" published by Brazil Institute, Wilson Centre, Washington DC


Mexico holds a mirrror to India - Mint 27 December 2013

A sugar rush that could fuel the Indian economy - The Hindu 24 September 2013

Why are the Brasilians protesting - Gateway House 12 September 2013

Lessons from Jindal's Bolivian failure - Gateway House 19 July 2013


The Message is that of moderation ( Venezuelan elections ) - The Hindu 12 October 2012

The message from the Venezuelan elections - Gateway House 11 oct 2012

Paraguay: Back to Latin America's bad old days? - Gateway House - 25 June 2012 - PDF version

"The Pacific Alliance, yet another bloc in Latin America" - Gateway House - 12 June 2012 - PDF version

"From Borges to Paz" - write-up for WEF blog on Latin America - 11 April 2012 - PDF version


"Opportunities beckon"- India Business Law Journal- October 2011 -PDF version

"A resurgent Latin America swims against the current of recurring global crisis" - Latin Business Chronicle, Miami- 22 August - PDF version

"The other BRIC in Latin America: India" - Gateway House - 5 May

"The Other BRIC in Latin America: India" - Americas Quarterly - 9 May - PDF version

"India dependent on Brazil & Argentina for edible oil and pulse" - The Economic Times - 8 April - PDF version

"Opportunities in Latin America for Indian Business and Investors" - Diplomatist magazine - February 2011 - PDF version


"Agriculture Process Outsourcing by an Argentine Patel" - The Financial Express - 1 August - PDF version

"Maradona... Oh ... Maradona" - Hindustan Times - 3 july 2010 - Full version of the article

Football fidelity: An Indian diplomat’s dilemma, published in Indian media and distributed by IANS 9 June 2010


"Brazil: short skirts big B arouse global interest" - Latin Business Chronicle - 17 December 2009

"Lula or not, why Brazil is the best BRIC" - Financial Express - 14 December 2009

"A new beginning" - The Hindu - 13 December 2009

"Argentina-India´s emerging economic partner" published in "India-Argentina Partners in Progress" - October 2009

"New window of opportunity for business with Latin America opened by the global crisis" published in CII Deccan Despatch Newsletter "Global Crisis, regional opportunity" with special focus on Business with Latin America - July to September 2009 edition.

"LatAm bets on India for trade as local resources dry up" published in the Financial Express 24 August

"Amritsar to Argentina with "peanut prince" - in Hindustan Times, 3 June 2009. Scanned version: Cover, Article.

¨Argentina – emerging as a long term economic partner of India in Latin America¨ - in the Indo-lac Business magazine- March 2009 issue.


Article ¨The New Latin America¨ published in Latin Business Chronicle of Miami 17 November 2008


"Great potential to leverage synergies between India and Latin America" interview published in Business Line, 10 October 2007

Article " Advantage Argentina" - published in Business Line, 2 August 07 - Scanned Version.

Article on Brazil emerging as a biofuel power - published in Business Line on 2 June 2007. Scanned Version below

Article on Business with Caribbean - published in Business Line on 24 April 2007. Scanned Version below

Article on Dominican Republic - published in Business Line, 13 March 2007. Scanned Version.

Article on Rio Carnival - published in Business Line, 9 february 2007. Scanned Version below.

Samba, Choppe and Fireworks....New Year Party in Copacabana beach- published in Business Line on 12 January 2007. Scanned Version.

India Inc on an investment spree in Latin America - published in Financial Express on 5 January 2007


Ascent of Left in Latin America -published in The Hindu on 12 December 2006. Scanned Version below.

The success story of Brazilian agribusiness Business Line - 9 May 2006. Scanned Version below.

Brazil's External Policy Economic and Political Weekly - February 25th, 2006


Unfair Advantage - Financial Express, December 31st, 2005. Scanned Version below.

Is it the birth of a new era in Bolivia? - The Hindu, December 22nd, 2005. Scanned Version.

U.S. influence in Latin America waning? - The Hindu, November 9th, 2005. Scanned Version below.

Acquisition of strategic resources abroad - Why Latin America is the obvious destination - Business Line, July 6th, 2005. Scanned Version below.

From Military Coups to People's Coups - The Hindu, June 10th, 2005. Scanned Version below.

Indo-Brazil Business is Booming, Set to Explode - The Financial Express, June 4th, 2005. Scanned Version below.

Mexico: A Billion Dollar Proposition - Business Line, April 18th, 2005. Scanned Version.

India's Energy Quest in Latin America - Hindu, March 31st, 2005. Scanned Version below

Growth and Optimism for Latin American markets - World Affairs Journal, summer 2005. Scanned Version.

Discover Chile's Business Opportunities - Financial Express, 19th January, 2005. Scanned Version below.


India must think big, act fast on Latin America - Business Line, 15th December, 2004. Scanned Version below.

The Left rises in Latin America - The Hindu, 29th November, 2004. Scanned Version below.

.Time to stop neglecting central America - Financial Express, 6th November 2004. Scanned version below

Ascent of Left in Latin America -published in The Hindu on 12 December 2006. Scanned Version.

Ascent of Left in Latin America -published in The Hindu on 12 December 2006. Scanned Version.

Article on Brazil emerging as a biofuel power - published in Business Line on 2 June 2007. Scanned Version

Article on Brazil emerging as a biofuel power - published in Business Line on 2 June 2007. Scanned Version

Discover Chile's Business Opportunities - Financial Express, 19th January, 2005. Scanned Version.

Discover Chile's Business Opportunities - Financial Express, 19th January, 2005. Scanned Version.

Article " Advantage Argentina" - published in Business Line, 2 August 07 - Scanned Version.

Article " Advantage Argentina" - published in Business Line, 2 August 07 - Scanned Version.

Article on Dominican Republic - published in Business Line, 13 March 2007. Scanned Version.

Article on Dominican Republic - published in Business Line, 13 March 2007. Scanned Version.

Article on Business with Caribbean - published in Business Line on 24 April 2007. Scanned Version

Article on Business with Caribbean - published in Business Line on 24 April 2007. Scanned Version

From Military Coups to People's Coups - The Hindu, June 10th, 2005. Scanned Version.

From Military Coups to People's Coups - The Hindu, June 10th, 2005. Scanned Version.

India's Energy Quest in Latin America - Hindu, March 31st, 2005. Scanned Version.

India's Energy Quest in Latin America - Hindu, March 31st, 2005. Scanned Version.

India must think big, act fast on Latin America - Business Line, 15th December, 2004. Scanned Version.

India must think big, act fast on Latin America - Business Line, 15th December, 2004. Scanned Version.

Indo-Brazil Business is Booming, Set to Explode - The Financial Express, June 4th, 2005. Scanned Version.

Indo-Brazil Business is Booming, Set to Explode - The Financial Express, June 4th, 2005. Scanned Version.

The success story of Brazilian agribusiness Business Line - 9 May 2006. Scanned Version.

The success story of Brazilian agribusiness Business Line - 9 May 2006. Scanned Version.

Article on Rio Carnival - published in Business Line, 9 february 2007. Scanned Version.

Article on Rio Carnival - published in Business Line, 9 february 2007. Scanned Version.

The Left rises in Latin America - The Hindu, 29th November, 2004. Scanned Version.

The Left rises in Latin America - The Hindu, 29th November, 2004. Scanned Version.

.Time to stop neglecting central America - Financial Express, 6th November 2004

.Time to stop neglecting central America - Financial Express, 6th November 2004

Unfair Advantage - Financial Express, December 31st, 2005. Scanned Version.

Unfair Advantage - Financial Express, December 31st, 2005. Scanned Version.

Mexico: A Billion Dollar Proposition - Business Line, April 18th, 2005. Scanned Version.

Mexico: A Billion Dollar Proposition - Business Line, April 18th, 2005. Scanned Version.

U.S. influence in Latin America waning? - The Hindu, November 9th, 2005. Scanned Version below.

U.S. influence in Latin America waning? - The Hindu, November 9th, 2005. Scanned Version below.


La India es mas que un socio comercial para Argentina - published in Cronista newspaper - 11 February 2011 PDF

"La Argentina fue uno de los países más ricos del mundo y puede volver a serlo" - published in El Cronista - 22 March 2010

"La India, el elefante que empezó a volar" - published in Buenos Aires Económico (BAE) Newspaper - 7 July 2009 Translation -

"Cuento Indiano... no es cuento chino" Published in El Cronista - May 19 2009- Translation -

"Nuevo paradigma de relaciones" published in Perfil - 25 January 2009. Scanned Version.

"Socios a largo plazo" published in Journal RD of Argentine Foreign Ministry- July 2008

Interview published in La Nacion( Argentina) newspaper - 19 february 2008

Interview published in Clarin ( Argentina) newspaper - 11 january 2008

"India busca triplicar el comercio con la Argentina y apurar un TLC" interview published in INFOBAE -24 October 2007

No es tipicamente latinoamericano (Spanish) - Diario Financiero (Chile), 29th November, 2004 . Pl see page 3 of this Acrobat document. Scanned Version
