I have been giving speeches on Latin America in Indian chambers of commerce, companies, think-tanks, Business Schools and academic institutions since 1997. I also speak about India and business with India in Latin America in Spanish and Portuguese. Occasionally I give motivational speeches. I have given around 200 speeches from 2004, when I started keeping a record. My speeches are always extempore. I have put over seventy speeches in YouTube since November 2007. Most of the speeches in the period 2007-12 are in Spanish made in Argentina during my posting there. The speeches after June 2012 are in English.
These are in my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/IndembassyAR/videos
Talk to MBA students of Woxsen University, Hyderabad - 7 May
valedictory address at the Guatemalan delegation training programme 25 February
The Guatemalan delegation consists of 34 members including judges, a member of parliament and officials of the Justice Ministry. They are in an anti-corruption course at the National Institute for Labour Economic Research and Development (NILERD), Delhi
“Partners in Progress: Enhancing synergies and complementarities between India and Latin America” - conference at the Centre for Latin American Studies, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram 18-21 December
“Latin America’s role in the emerging world order” - 13 December
at the Foreign Service Training Institute, New Delhi
Talk at Army War College, Mhow on 16 July
on “Role of Latin Americain the emerging world order- key drivers and implications for India”
Talk to the Brazilian delegation lead by Ratinho Junior, the Governor of Parana State of Brazil at a dinner hosted by Kalpataru Projects International Ltd at Sofitel Hotel, BKC Complex, Mumbai
Talk to the visiting Brazilian MBA students at the Management Development Institute, Gurgaon on 1 April
Brazil as the next G-20 President - panel discussion - 8 March
organised by Jindal Global Academy ( part of the Jindal University) at Hotel Taj Mansingh
Malgudi to Macondo: my journey from Innocence to Magical Realism through Foreign Service” - 2 March
Shankar IAS Academy, Delhi
Introduction to Latin America - talk at the Foreign Service Institute, New Delhi on 14 February
Talk “ From Alangudi Mahajanam village to Argentina as Ambassador” at Shankar IAS Academy, Trichy - 11 January
Aparajita Gangopadhyaya memorial lecture on" Whither Latin America, a Strategic Partner in India's Growth Strategies" on 2 January at Goa University, Goa - 2 January
“International Affairs for the Innocent” - lecture at Shankar IAS Academy, Chennai, 28 December
Chairing of talk on “Latin America: Laboratory of sociopolitical experiments and experience” on 30 November 1830 hrs at IIC
Chairing of talk on “The Latin American Left in the Twenty-First Century: Achievements, Shortcomings and Challenges” -29 November 3.30 pm
at the Institute of Social Sciences….Speaker Prof Ravindran from Colombia…
Chairing of panel on "India Argentina Relations—The Road Ahead” - on 20 November at 0945 hrs, Janki Devi Memorial College, New Delhi
Talk in Spanish on “India-Latin America: complementarities and mutual value addition” - 8 November 1000 hrs
at the National Institute of Labour Economics Research and Development (NILERD), Delhi. The audience consist of 25 government officials from Latin America
Chairing of the launch event of the book “India from Latin America” by Argentine author Manuel Gonzalo -25 October at the Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi
International Business: an interactive session with MBA students of Gnanam Business School, Thanjavur 29 September
chairing of a session at the event of the Service Export Promotion Council, Hotel Le meridian, New Delhi, 15 September
Talk at the Conference on India’s trade with Latin America organised by PHDCCI, New Delhi 11 July
Lectures on Latin America at the Centre for Latin American Studies, Kerala University, Thiruvananthapuram 16-18 May
This is for the students attending the summer course organised by the Centre
Talk on “Global security challenges impacting Latin America and the future of Indo-Latin American ties” at National Defence College, New Delhi -8 May
Panelist in the Indo-Latin American Business seminar at Panama - 24 April
Lectures at the Centre for Latin American Studies, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, 8-10 March
Chairing of a session on contemporary cultural interaction between India and Latin America at IIC New Delhi 22 February
Lecture at the Foreign Service Institute, New Delhi 17 February
above…motivational talk to students of Agaram Foundation, Chennai on 29 January
Motivational talk to the students of Valluvar College of Science and Management, Karur, 20 January
Method, Madness and Magical Realism for Success - Motivational talk on 26 December at Shankar IAS Academy, Chennai
Motivational talk to MBA students - on 18 November at 11 AM in Gnanam Business School, Thanjavur
India-Latin America relations: stories and numbers - on 27 October 11 am at the Foreign Service Institute, New Delhi
Talk at the Jadavpur University Kolkatta on 3 July 2022
International Affairs: Myth, Truth and Magical realism on 28 June at 1100 hrs
This was at the Shankar IAS Academy, Chennai.
There were over 500 students of which 200 were in my hall and the remaining in the other two floors of the building. There were also Academy students from other cities who watched the talk online and participated in the Q and A. I spoke for an hour and 15 minutes and did Q and A for 30 minutes. After the meeting, I was delighted to meet some students who showed interest in joining the Foreign Service...
“Development Partnership with Latin America” on 16 June at 1100 hrs.
I chaired this session which was part of the ICWA’s (Indian Council for World Affairs) event on “India’s development partnership with other countries” on 15-16 June.
Prof. Aparajita Gangopadhyaya, Professor, School of International and Area Studies, Goa University and Dr. Priti Singh, Associate Professor, Centre for Canadian, US & Latin American Studies, JNU will be the speakers
Joining Link:
Indo-Brazil relations -online lecture to Kerala University 26 April
video of the talk in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wceTtv6GE1A
Indo-Latin American Relations - online lecture to Kerala University 27 November
Reemergence of the Left in Latin America - video discussion - 15 August
Talk (online) on “ The venezuelan crisis and its impact on Latin America” at the National Defence College, New Delhi, 1 June
Chairing of International Webinar “ Gandhi and Latin America” 1 October 1800 hrs
You tube video of the session
Chairing of CII webinar on Business with Latin America 3 July
Talk at the symposium in the Universidad Javeriana Cali (PUJ Cali), Colombia 3-5 June (postponed due to corona virus)
Talk at the Seminar “ Experience and opportunities for internationalisation of Latin American SMEs with India” at Curitiba, Brazil 23-24 January
Organised by Sistema Economico de Latinamericana (SELA)
Speech “How does Latin America matter to young Indians?” at the Model UN conference, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore on 11 January
Talk on “Indo-Latin American relations in the period 2004-14” at Chandigarh on 20 December, 3 PM
It is at the Centre for Research in Rural and Industrial Development (CRRID)
Talk on Brazil at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi 18 October
Motivational talk to civil service aspirants at Shankar’s IAS Academy, Chennai 13 September
Video in the youtube channel
Chairing of a session on trade and investment in a seminar organised by ICWA, New Delhi on 9 August
Lecture on “ Doing business with Latin America” at GITAM School of International business, Visakhapattinam, 27 July
Lecture on International Relations and India’s foreign policy at Central University, Sikkim, 29 April
Lecture on Indo-Latin American trade at Foreign Service Institute, New Delhi, 10 April
Brief talk on Brazil beyond Bolsonaro at Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis, New Delhi, 2 April
Lecture on Latin American Politics at the Christ University, Bengaluru on 16 February.
Lecture at Shankar IAS Academy on “ International relations and India’s foreign policy”, Tiruvanandapuram 11 January 2019
Lecture at North Eastern Hill University Shillong on 14 December 2018
Lecture at Shankar IAS Academy, Bengaluru on 30 November 2018 on International Relations and India’s foreign policy
Talk at the Eximbank Seminar on Indo-Latin American trade 25 October 2018
Talk on " “From Coolies to Patrons and Partners: the Chinese paradigm shift in Latin America” at Goa University 3 October 2018
Lecture on Indian Foreign Service and Policy at the Shankar's IAS Academy, Chennai on 29 September 2018
Lecture on " Latin America in Indian foreign policy and global politics" at the Gujarat Central University on Monday 27 August.
talk at the CII meeting with Heads of Missions in Latin America at Hotel Meridian, New Delhi 3 July 2018
Talk on Indo-Latin American trade at the seminar organised by Argentine Ministry of Foreign Affairs at Buenos Aires on 7 June 2018
speech at the inaguration of the Honorary Consulate of Guatemala in Chennai on 18 April.
Participation in the CII panel discussion on Latin America at CII Hqrs Delhi 5 April
talk on " Latin America's amigovio: China, the friend with benefits " at the First Indian Forum on China at the International Centre Goa -15 December 2017
talk at the Goa University on " New Paradigm of Economic relationship between India and Latin America 13 December
talk on " Cuento Chino in the land of Magical Realism" at the Institute for Chinese Studies, Delhi 26 July 2017
lecture "Latin America in Indian foreign policy" at the Gujarat National Law University, Gandhi Nagar.-13 July 2017
talk on "Textile exports to Latin America" at the International Textile Fair, Ahmedabad - 1 July 2017
Motivational talk to civil service aspirants at the Shankar's IAS Academy Chennai on 30 April 2017
lecture to the 2017 batch of Indian Foreign Service at Delhi on 25 January 2017
Talk on Indo-Brazil economic relations at the Panel on Indo-Lusophone community organised by ORF and Carnegie India at Taj Palace Hotel, New Delhi- 7 January.
Chairing of the session and talk on Latin America at the CII Global SME Summit at Lalit Hotel, New Delhi on 22 November
Talk on " Cuento Chino in the land of Magical Realism - Chinese presence in Latin America" at the Chennai Centre for China Studies on 8 November
Lecture on " Business with Latin America" at the Amity University, Noida, 21 October
Talk in the conference"The dragon and the elephant meet the jaguars: China and India in Latin America" at Rio de Janeiro" on 6-7 October
Lecture on " Malgudi to Macondo" at the English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad on 28 September
Talk on opportunities for Indian pharmaceuticals in Latin America at Pharmexcil meeting in Hotel Taj Deccan, Hyderabad on 28 September
Talk on "India-Latin America: New Complementarities" at JNU on 2 September 1100 hrs
Lecture on Business with Latin America, IIM Trichy 6 August
video of the first 13 minutes of the lecture
Lecture on Business with Latin America, Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode, 28 July.
India's engagement with Latin America - at the Foreign Service Institute of India, New Delhi, 16 June.
Synergies between Indian and Latin American IT markets- at IndiaSoft show, Renaisaance Hotel, Mumbai, 4 March
Complementarities in Economic engagement with Latin America - at FICCI meeting with Latin American Ambassadors, 11 February, Diu
Latin American contribution to India's energy security - talk at the National Security Council, New Delhi - 24 November
speech at EPCH meeting on Latin America at Expo Mart, Greater Noida, 16 October
Address as chief guest at the Latin America conference of ACMA at Hotel Meridian, New Delhi on 15 October
chairing of session in the Latin America Conclave by CII at New Delhi on 9 October
Speeches at “Mexico-India: Comparative Law Systems and Cultures” - Seminar organised by the National University of Mexico ( UNAM) at Mexico City 5-6 October
5 october 0930 hrs
6 october 1000 hrs
Panelist at " US-Cuba rapproachment- global impact" at Habitat Centre Gulmohar Hall, New delhi 28 Sept 1900 hrs
Speech while chairing the CII Latin America seminar session at Hotel Hilton, Chennai on 27 August
video in youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hPFXDhOOsk
Lecture to foreign diplomats on " Latin America; promises and challenges" at the Foreign Service Institute, New Delhi 13 August
Speech at seminar on ' Changing profile of Indo-Latin American relations' at IIC New Delhi 1730 hrs 9 July
youtube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJ68jStLiZk
Alangudi to Argentina - speech to Thanjavur Chamber of Commerce and Industry at Hotel Gnanam 22 June
youtube video of speech https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jLKahAyZ1GY
Chairing of seminar on 'Pacific Alliance' orgainsed by Anantha Aspen centre at WWF auditorium, Lodhi Road, new delhi- on 26 May
You tube video of the speech 12 minutes
Talk on "The New Latin America: What it Means for India" at the Jadavpur Association of International Relations (JAIR) Kolkatta 18 April 1400 hrs
summary of the talk in MEA website
youtube video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3aiIp6CWrw
Talk on " India and Latin America" at Pondicherry University on 25 March 2015
summary of the talk in MEA website
Talk on Political and Economic trends in Latin America and the future of Indo- Latin American relations" at Kerala University, Thiruvananthapuram, 11 March 1100 hrs
summary of the speech http://mea.gov.in/distinguished-lectures-detail.htm?239
Talk on Latin American market for Indian handicrafts at Expo Mart Greater Noida 21 Februaryat 1600 hrs
Talk on "Latin American market for Indian IT business" as a panelist at the ESC Conference, New Delhi 13 February 1200 hrs
Talk on" India-Latin America" at the Foreign Service Institute, New Delhi - 5 February 1600 hrs
Talk on ' opportunities in Latin America for apparel exporters" at Tiruppur 22 January 2015
This is was organised by CII Tiruppur
Talk at the Gateway House, Mumbai on " India and Latin America: business outlook"- on 2 December 1230 hrs
Insight LIBA - 15 November 2014
The students of Loyola Institute of Business Administration organised this annual event at Hotel Hilton, Chennai. The topic of talk was " New frontiers in the changing busines landscape"
Speech at the session on Peru in the FICCI Latin America Investment Conclave, Lalit Hotel, New Delhi 17 October
Speech at the session on Argentina in the FICCI Latin America Investment Conclave, Lalit Hotel, New Delhi 16 October
Moderation of the Google Hang Out discussion organised by Gateway House on Latin American views on Indian elections- 23 April
Talk at the Agribusiness Conference of the University of Buenos Aires 7-9 April
Participation in Ditchley conference on "Brazil's place in the world" - Oxford, UK 10-12 April 2014
No photo or video taken
Speech at the FICCI meeting with the delegation from Santa Fe, Argentina - 20 february
Parisutha Nadar Memorial lecture at Gnanam Business School, Thanjavur 24 January 2014
Speeches in 2013
chairing of panel on chemicals and pharmaceuticals at the CII Latin America Conclave, Hotel Meridian, New Delhi, 10 December 2013.
Lecture on Economic Diplomacy at the Foreign Service Institute, New Delhi on 11 december 2013
Special address on " Latin America and bonding between cultures" to the Country Delivery Heads of Wipro at Bangalore 13 November
"Colombian perspectives of India- Latin America relations" - 30 October at IIC, NewDelhi
R. Viswanathan moderated the talk by Dr Soraya Caro and Juan Alfredo Pinto Ambassador of Colombia.
"From the labyrinth of solitude to the network of partnerships- Evolution of India's relations with Mexico and Latin America " talk at the Colegio de Mexico on 23 october in Mexico City
"How Mexico can fit in the globalisation strategy of Asian companies" talk by R. Viswanathan at the Mexico Business Summit at Gudalajara 22 October
youtube video
" Latin America - people and politics " lecture on 14 October at the Foreign Service Institute, New Delhi.
"Latin America- a global player and growing market for Indian business"- talk on 17 September at the O P Jindal University, Haryana
Speech on Brazil at the Gateway House, Mumbai 3 september
Speech at the meeting with San Luis delegation organised by FICCI, 13 May
Remarks at the event with San Luis delegation organised by IIA, Noida on 11 May
Talk on " Latin America: Regional and global role" at the Foreign Service Insititute of India for foreign diplomats -9 May
oops.. no video or photo could be taken due to a bureaucratic mess up
" Opportunities for Souh Indian exporters in the New Latin America" - talk at CII Coimbatore 12 April
"Latin America as a new powerhouse in the global economy" - talk at the Growth Net conference in New Delhi on 12 March.
"The New paradigm and synergies in business with the New Latin America", talk at the CII seminar on Latin America at Bengaluru on 4 March
Speeches in 2012
Remarks on Bolivia at FIEO New Delhi, 8 December
Talk at the Aspen Institute India in New Delhi 28 August
topic " The journey of an innocent Indian through the seductive Latin America"
Speech at the Gateway House - 17 August at Mumbai
Title of the talk The Indian road to Latin America . Gateway House is the pioneer among Indian thinktanks to devote adequate space for Latin America with a full time research scholar.
Speech in YouTube
Speech at the CII Latin America seminar 17 July at Chennai
Speech in YouTube
Speech at the release of my book "Malgudi to Macondo" on 16 July at Chennai
Speech in YouTube
Speech during farewell party at the City Government Golden Hall - 16 May 2012
Speech in YouTube
Speech during farewell party in Buenos Aires - 10 May 2012
Speech in YouTube
Speech at the inauguration of the Course on Ayurveda in Buenos Aires - 11 April 2012
Speech in YouTube
Speeches in 2011
Speech at the Seminar ¨The New India and the New Latin America - complementarities and synergies¨- 5 December 2011
Speech in Youtube
Speech at the Gala of the IV Festival of India - 5 December 2011
Speech in Youtube
speech during the inauguration of Mercosoja 2011 conference in Rosario - 13 September
Ambassador´s speech
Press coverage: La Nación - La Capital - Urgente 24
August 30 - Speech at ADE (Business Managers Association) (Speech in YouTube)
Ambassador Viswanathan and Argentine audience
June 30 - Speech at the International Police Symposium in Buenos Aires (Speech in YouTube)
Ambassador Viswanathan
June 21 -speech at the UTN (National Technological University) (Speech in YouTube)
Ambassador Viswanathan, Carlos Stella (T.C.S) and Cristian Arguello (Cognizant).
May 12 - speech at Rio Cuarto, Cordoba. (Speech in YouTube)
May 3 - speech during inauguration of Glenmark plant at Pilar (Speech in YouTube)
May 3 - speech at the Business Seminar in Buenos Aires during the visit of Minister of Commerce (Speech in YouTube)
May 2 - speech at the Business Seminar in Montevideo during the visit of Minister of Commerce J. Scindia (Speech in YouTube)
April 14 - speech at the Latin America Outsource summit in Montevideo (Speech in YouTube)
April 7 - Eenam Gambhir Farewell (Speech in YouTube).
March 9 - Screening of film Dhobi Ghat in Buenos Aires (Speech in YouTube)
March 6 - Reception at Pinamar (Speech in YouTube)
Speeches in 2010
November 4 – Speech at the Gala of the III Festival of India, Buenos Aires (Speech in YouTube)
September 30 - Inauguration of Workshop "Jobs, Training and Personal Growth with Indian Companies" at UADE University (Speech in YouTube)
September 29 - Speech at Fundacion Par - Hotel Sheraton Buenos Aires- (Speech in YouTube)
August 30 - Speech ¨India - Latin America business and opportunities for small and medium Indian companies¨ in Noida (India)
This was organised by by the Indian Industries Association at Hotel Fortune Inn Grazia sector 27 Noida (Speech in YouTube)
August 17 - Speech at University Women´s Club, Buenos Aires (speech in youtube)
August 5 - Speech at Sintesis Quimica event, Sheraton Libertador, Buenos Aires (speech in youtube)
July 5 - Speech at Universidad Nacional de la Plata, Argentina (speech in youtube)
March 8 - Speech at Business Seminar in Asunción, Paraguay
Speeches in 2009
December 11 - Speech at the Textile Industry Seminar in Montevideo
November 22 - Seminar organised by Lañus National University, Buenos Aires (speech in youtube)
November 9 - Speech at the India Cup Golf Tournament at Jockey Club, Buenos Aires ( speech in Youtube)
November 5 - Speech at the Gala of the Second Festival of India, Buenos Aires ( speech in Youtube)
November 5 - Speech at the Inaguration of the Handicrafts Exihibition, Borges Cultural Centre, Buenos Aires ( in Youtube)
September 24- "Opportunities for business with India" seminar in Hotel Sheraton, Buenos Aires
Link to You Tube video Part 1, Part 2
September 15 - Inauguration of TCS new facility in Buenos Aires. Link to You Tube video
September 1 - Keynote address at the CII Seminar on Latin America at Chennai
August 6- Addresses the businessmen planning to go as part of the Presidential delegation in October 2009 to India
Venue: Belgrano Auditorium- Argentine Foreign Office
July 2 - India- Latin American Conclave in Buenos Aires. Part 1; Part 2;
June 29 - India-Uruguay Business Seminar in Montevideo. Part 1; Part 2
June 25 - "La India moderna... de la abogacía a la informática" at Colegio de Abogados. Part 1; Part 2; Part 3
June 5 - Palacio Municipal of La Plata, Speech on: "Opportunities of business with India" Video with excerpts of speech: Part 1, Part 2
May 26- "El elefante que empezó a volar... no es un cuento chino, es el cuento indiano"- Facultad de Ciencias Económicas. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Part 1; Part 2: ; Part 3; Part 4
21 april- "Cuento indiano... no es cuento chino". Inauguration of Textile Exhibition at Hotel Sheraton Buenos Aires.
Speeches in 2008 --- Links to photos and Youtube
17 december - Addresses the businessmen planning to go as part of the Presidential delegation in february 2009 to India
Venue: San Martin Palace - Argentine Foreign Office
25 november - Speech at the Center for International Relations of Argentina (CARI) at the Seminar "India in the Global Scenario"
24 november - Speech at the Gala opening of Festival of India at Sheraton Buenos Aires
24 november - Prize distribution of India Golf Cup at the Jockey Club during Festival of India
23 October - Seminar on Doing Business with India at IAE Business School
25 august - Pharmexcil Seminar "Alianza Farmacéutica Argentino-India"
30 july - Tourism Promotion event at Hotel Sheraton Montevideo.
2 july - Inter American Trade and Promotion Council at Alvear Palace Hotel in Buenos Aires
25 june - Círculo de Armas
9 June - Seminar on Business with India at Sheraton hotel
22 april - Speech to the Bar Association of Buenos Aires province at La Plata on "India in today´s world"
9 april - Inauguration of the post graduate course in Ayurveda at the University of Buenos Aires
8 april - Handicrafts event al Hotel Sheraton Buenos Aires
7 february - Inauguration of new Embassy Office
Speeches in 2007 - Links to photos and YouTube
13 december - India-Argentina Business meet in Buenos Aires
29 november - Interview on Ricardo Vanella´s TV Show, "Clase Ejecutiva"
27 november - American Chamber of Commerce, Córdoba on Indian IT Business
7 november - Argentine Chamber of Importers
25 october - Tourism Workshop at Marriot Hotel
Speeches 2006
6 july - Welcoming the argentinian Foreign Minister and Business Delagation at CII meeting at Hotel Taj Mahal, New Delhi
25 October
Speech in Spanish at the Tourism workshop in Hotel Marriot , Buenos Aires
25 September
Keynote speech at the seminar on latin america organised at GRT Grand Hotel by EEPC, SICCI and Indo-Lac Chamber
13 September
Farewell speech at the Confederation of Indian Industry Blog Report
18 April
Speech at the Launching of " BRICs Business Alliance" by Assocham, New Delhi
23 March
Talk on" Latin Americans - a sociological perspective" at the Jawaharlal Nehru University.
19 March
Inaugural address at the two-day seminar on " IBSA- human security challenges" at the Institute of Social Sciences, New Delhi
12 March
CII meeting with Trinidad and Tobago business delegation at Hotel Intercontinental, New Delhi
7 March
CII meeting with the El Salvador Foreign Minister and Business Delegation.
9 January
CII meeting at Taj Mansingh Hotel, New Delhi on Latin America Conclave
21 November
CII meeting with Peruvian business delegation at their Hqrs
16 November
Speech at the CII event on Dominican Republic at their Hqrs
2 November
talk at the Indian Institute of Management, Kolkata on " Business and Management culture of Latin America"
29 September
Speech at the Llatin America seminar organised by EEPC at hotel capitol, Bangalore
26 September
Speech at Business meeting with Mexican delegation organised by CII at taj palace hotel, new delhi
31 August - talk about synergy in colour, mindset,core competence and aspirations of the people of IBSA ( India, Brasil South Africa) at the seminar organised by CII at Habitat Centre New Delhi
6 July
Welcoming the Argentinian Foreign Minister and the Business delegation at CII meeting at Hotel Taj mansingh New Delhi.
Coverage of the speech ( describing me as a Bromista ) in the Argentinian daily newspaper Clarin on 9 July 2006.
11 May
Speech at the India International Centre, NewDelhi on " Reemergence of Left in Latin America"
26th April
Speech at the Latin American Tour Operators Meet organised by the Ministry of Tourism - Ashoka Hotel, New Delhi
17th April
Speech at the meeting with Brazilian economists organised by CII - Taj Palace Hotel, New Delhi
20th March
Speech and chairing of conference session on IT business opportunities in Latin America organised by the Electronics and Software export promotion Council - Chennai Trade Centre, Chennai
20th March
Speech at the inaguration of Indo Latin American Chamber of Commerce and Industry - Southern India Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Chennai. On the right of the speaker is Dr Ravichandran, convenor of the chamber.
23rd February
Speech on Latin American business culture in the context of multicultural challenges in global business environment - Amity International Business School, Noida
17th February
Speech on Dominican Republic - FICCI, New Delhi
18th January
Talk on Argentina and Mexico - Indian Institute of Public Administration, New Delhi
Speeches 2005
24th November
Brief speech on Dominican Republic organised by CII - CII Headquarters, New Delhi
The one who is laughing at the joke is mr Eddy Martinez, IT minister of Dominican Republic
24th November
Brief speech on Venezuela organised by CII - Hotel Taj Palace, New Delhi
23rd November
Keynote address at the International annual Conference on Hispanic culture - Hyderabad
22 November
Speech at the International Management Institute on Brazil, while welcoming Dr Noronha
18th November
Brief speech on Panama organised by CII - Hotel Meridien, New Delhi
14th November
Brief speech on Mexico at FICCI during launching of Joint Business Council - FICCI, New Delhi
15th November
Brief speech on Brasil during meeting with Brasilian Business delegation and Governor of Sao Paulo - New Delhi
7th October
Talk on India - Latin America and Caribbean relations - Goa University. Governor of the state and industry Minister Luizinho are on the stage.
15th September
Talk on Business with Latin America at the Associated chamber of commerce and Industries - New Delhi
26th August
Speech at launching of the website, organised by CII and Eximbank in the presence of Minsiter of State for external affairs, with a salsa party and Cuban band "Waikiki" - F Bar, New Delhi
25th August
Talk on India- Latin America relations - Foreign Service Institute, New Delhi
8th July
Speech on Business with Latin America organised by EEPC - Hotel President, Jalandar
1st July
Speech on Business with Latin America at Seminar on Focus LAC organised by EEPC (Southern Region) - Hotel GRT Grand, Chennai
16 april
Speech on Latin America in the meeting with senior executive of Reliance - Mumbai. Mr Prasad, President , Petroleum business , Reliance is on the left of the speaker.
19th March
Speech on Economic Diplomacy, Valedictory Session of Engineering Consultants Association of India - Habitat Centre, New Delhi
7th February
Speech at the launching of the book" Business with Latin America" at the night club"Just my kind of place" Taj Palace, New Delhi, with a Salsa party. The event was cohosted by EximBank and Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). Foreign Secretary Shyam Saran and Minister of State for External Affairs Rao Inderjit Singh( with Shawl) are present.
14th January
Speech on Latin America organised by EEPC - ITC Sonal Bangla Hotel, Calcutta
Speeches 2004
7th December
Speech on Business with Latin America organised by Southern India Chamber of Commerce and Industry - Hotel GRT Grand, Chennai
11th December
Speech on Latin America organised by EEPC - Marhatta Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Pune
26th November
Speech on Latin American Markets by EEPC on the occasion of Indo-LAC Business Meet - Hotel Meridian, New Delhi
8th November
Speech on Latin America organised by EEPC - Ashoka Hotel, New Delhi
6th November
Speech on Latin American Market organised by CII on the occasion of National Conference on exports - Taj Hotel, Hyderabad
9th June
Speech on Latin America - Federation of Karnataka Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Bangalore
Speech at Ayurveda event in Buenos Aires